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Research Statement:

My research interests encompass some of the newer challenges of environmental field. Most of the research projects I have been involved with in my academic career, over the last decade and half, had direct application and policy implications. In broad terms, my research has focused on the areas of Geoenvironmental engineering, Integrated Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, physical, chemical and biological processes in natural and engineered systems (experimental and modeling techniques), environmental nanotechnology, biogas production from waste, resource recovery, waste treatment technologies, recycling of waste materials, fate and transport of emerging contaminants (e.g., nanowaste) in environmental systems, landfill leachate treatment and management, environmental risk Assessment, site remediation, sustainability issues among others.

Research Interests:

• Integrated Solid Waste Management Issues, including Design, construction, operational issues of Solid and Hazardous Waste Management and Treatment units including Construction and Demolition Debris Waste, Industrial Waste etc.

• Beneficial Reuse and Resource Recovery of Potential Solid Waste Components, Potential Industrial Waste Streams (e.g., Coal combustion products, Ash from Waste Incinerators); Source Reduction, Electronics Waste Management (including Environmental, Social Issues Including Environmental Justice)

• Green Engineering, Pollution Prevention, Sustainable Environmental Technologies, including Treatment Technologies, Life Cycle Analysis and Sustainable Design

• Environmental Nanotechnology including its Remediation Application, Fate and Transport of Manufactured Nanomaterials in the Environment

Research Topic:

- Environmental Engineering
- Integrated Waste Management
- Life Cycle Analysis & Sustainable Engg
- Environmental Risk Assessment