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Project Reports:

Dubey B. (2014). Life Cycle Analysis of Energy of Waste (EfW) facility proposed for Peel Region as part of Integrated Waste Management Plan-A preliminary study report, Submitted to Regional Municipality of Peel, Brampton, Ontario, Canada June 2014.

Kumar, D., Hait, S., and Dubey B., (2013). Occurrence, Fate and Removal of Emerging Contaminants in Surface Water, Project Report, Institutional Research Collaboration Development Grant, Submitted to Indo-Canadian Shastri Institute, Calgary Canada

Dubey, B., Fassman, E., (2009). “Performance Evaluation of Infiltration and Filtration Stormwater Management Practices.” Prepared by University of Auckland (Auckland UniServices Ltd.) for Auckland Regional Council, Auckland, New Zealand.

Singhal, N., Dubey, B., Johnson, A., Swift, S., (2009). “Estrogenic Endocrine Disrupting Compounds – A Review of their Presence and Fate in Water and Sediments in New Zealand”, Prepared by University of Auckland (Auckland UniServices Ltd.) for Auckland Regional Council, Auckland, New Zealand.

Dubey, B., Singhal, N., (2009). “Evaluation of Test Methods for Assessing the Environmental Risks from Road Marking Glass Beads”, Final Report, Submitted to Britesite (NZ) Limited, Ramarama, New Zealand.

Dubey, B., (2009). “Background Information to Assist Preparation of a Proposal to Set up and operate a Plasma Co-generation Plant in New Zealand to Burn Waste to Produce Energy” Final Report, Submitted to A-ward Attachments Limited, Auckland, New Zealand.

Townsend, T., Dubey, B.,Ko, J., Kim, H., Cho, Y., (2008). “Landfilled Municipal Waste Characteristics in World Regions”, Final Technical Report”. Submitted to the Caterpillar Inc. Peoria, IL.

Rhue, R., Townsend, T., Dubey, B., Wang, Y., (2008). “Soils underneath Florida Landfills and their Role in the Occurrence and Fate of Iron and Arsenic in Groundwater, Final Technical Report”. Submitted to the Hinkley Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, Gainesville, FL.

Townsend, T., Singh S, Dubey, B., (2007) “Research and Data Report for the Alachua County Southwest Landfill.” Submitted to Alachua County Public Works Department, Alachua County, Florida.

Dubey, B., Townsend, T., (2007). “Biomass Resources Assessment Part II: Availability and Cost Analysis of Using Municipal Solid Waste Components as Alternative Fuel Sources for Power Generation, Final Technical Report”. Submitted to Gainesville Regional Utilities, Gainesville, FL.

Dubey, B., Townsend, T., (2007). “Assessing Fate of Arsenic during the Management of Diseased Animal Wastes, Set of Notes”. Submitted to Sandra Cointreau, Solid Waste Management Advisor, World Bank, Washington DC.

Townsend, T., Dubey, B., Cochran, K., Henry, S., (2007). “Government Policies for Encouraging Recycling of Construction and Demolition Debris” Submitted to Clay County Solid Waste Division, Clay County, Florida, USA.

Townsend, T., Dubey, B., Kim, H., Nepal, S., Laux, S., (2007). “Evaluation of Leachate Recirculation and Gas Collection Systems for Highlands County Landfill” Submitted to Department of Solid Waste Management, Highlands County, Florida, USA.

Townsend, T., Xu, Q, Dubey, B., Cochran, K., Jordan, A., (2007). “Research Advancing the Management of Construction and Demolition Debris in Florida, Final Technical Report”. Submitted to the Hinkley Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, Gainesville, FL.

Townsend, T., Xu, Q, Dubey, B., Abichou, T., (2007). “Use of Waste Materials to Reduce Emissions of Hydrogen Sulfide from Landfills to Attenuate Odors, Final Technical Report”. Submitted to the Hinkley Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, Gainesville, FL

Reinhart, D., Townsend, T., Dubey, B., Kim, H., Bonilla, V., Xu, Q., (2006). “Design and Operational Issues Related to Co-disposal of Sludges and Biosolids in Class-I Landfills, Final Technical Report (Phase-III)”. Submitted to the Hinkley Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, Gainesville, FL.

Solo-Gabriele, H., Townsend, T., Jacobi, G, Dubey, B., Eduardo, L., (2006). “Augmented Sorting of Recovered Wood Waste using Stain and X-ray technologies, Technical Report”. Submitted to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Tallahassee, FL.

Solo-Gabriele, H., Townsend, T., Jacobi, G, Shibata, T., Dubey, B., (2005). “CCA-Treated Wood in Commercial Landscaping Mulch and Effects of Colorant on Metal Leaching Rates, Technical Report #0332003-05”. Submitted to the Florida Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, Gainesville, FL.

Solo-Gabriele, H., Townsend, T., Durbin, M., Jacobi, G, Dubey, B., (2005). “Educational Outreach and Stain Distribution Project for Identifying Copper-Treated Wood, Technical Report #0232003-05”. Submitted to the Florida Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, Gainesville, FL.

Townsend, T., Mutha, S., Ko, J., Pearson, B., Spalvins, E. and Dubey, B. (2004) “PBDE Flame Retardants in Florida: Import, Fate and Environmental Implications” Submitted to United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Solo-Gabriele, H., Townsend, T., Khan, B., Song, J-K, Jambeck, J., Dubey, B., Jang, Y-C, (2003). “Arsenic and Chromium Speciation of Leachates from CCA-Treated Wood, Technical Report #03-07”. Submitted to the Florida Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, Gainesville, FL.

Solo-Gabriele, H., Townsend, T., Sakura, D., Dubey, B., Jambeck, J., (2002). “Quantities of Arsenic within the State of Florida, Technical Report #03-06.” Submitted to the Florida Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, Gainesville, FL.