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Published Abstracts:

Mathis, J., Maniyar, C., Mishra, D., Dubey, B., & Jambeck, J. (2024). Uncovering Geospatial Patterns Emphasize the Urgency of Tackling Plastic Pollution at its Source (No. EGU24-14269). Copernicus Meetings.

Bhar, R., Taran, J., Mondal, A., Dubey, B. K., & Ghangrekar, M. M. (2024). Impact of Using Fresh Sewage as Aqueous Medium on the Fuel Characteristics of Lignocellulosic Hydrochar. AGU23.

Taran, J., Dubey, B. K., & Pradhan, R. (2024). Impact of Residence Time on the Coalification of Microalgal Biomass: A Hydrothermal Carbonization Approach. AGU23.

Chauhan, S., Chowdhury, S., & Dubey, B. K. (2023). Performance Assessment of Agro-Waste Biochar as Electrode Material for Supercapacitors: A Circular Economy Approach. AGU23.

Singhal, A., & Dubey, B. (2021, July). Design of Municipal Solid Waste Storage and Collection system using Google Earth and Google Maps. In International Conference on Resource Sustainability (icRS) 2021.

Sharma, H. B. #, and Dubey, B. K. (2020). Hydrothermal carbonization of organic fraction of municipal solid waste for densified solid biofuel production. Abstract in proceedings of RECYCLE 2020: 3rd International Conference on Waste Management on 14- 14th February 2020 at IIT Guwahati, India.

Venna, S. #, Sharma, H. B. #, and Dubey, B. K., Reddy, H.P (2020). Gate to gate life cycle assessment of hydrothermal carbonization process for food waste and yard waste. Abstract in proceedings of RECYCLE 2020: 3rd International Conference on Waste Management on 14- 14th February 2020 at IIT Guwahati, India.

Sharma, H. B. #, and Dubey, B. K. (2019). Hydrothermal carbonization of green waste into solid biofuel. Abstract in the proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Clean Green Energy, ICCGE on 13-15 February 2019, Milan, Italy.

Panigrahi, S. #, and Dubey, B., (2018). Anaerobic co digestion of food waste with yard waste. ICACSE 2018, NIT Trichy, India.

Cheela, V. R. S. #, Dubey, B. and John, M (2019). Temporal study on municipal solid waste management practices in developing countries: an Indian case study. Paper in abstract book of International Conference on Resource Sustainability Cities (icRS Cities 2019) on 1-3 July 2019 at Adelaide, Australia.

Cheela, V. R. S. #, Dubey, B. and John, M (2019) Home composting systems for organic waste treatment: technologies, greenhouse gas emissions and economic analysis. Paper in abstract book of 2nd Global Summit on Recycling and Waste Management, 22-23 July, 2019 at Tokyo, Japan.

Mandal, P., Gupta, A., & Dubey, B. (2019, March). Modeling of effect of electrodeposition parameters of a graphite/PbO2 anode on 2, 4-dinitrophenol removal efficiency: Comparison between RSM and ANN. In abstracts of papers of the american chemical society (vol. 257). 1155 16th st, nw, washington, dc 20036 usa: amer chemical soc.

Panigrahi, S. #, and Dubey, B., (2018). "Effect of mode of heat transfer in thermal pretreatment to improve anaerobic biodegradability of lignocellulosic waste" in 2rd Recycle 2018, IIT Guwahati, India.

S. M. Sathe#, B. K. Dubey, M. M. Ghangrekar (2020). 'Adsorptive removal of surfactants in batch experiments using laterite as a low cost adsorbent'. Paper in the abstract book of Second ASCE India Conference on Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies (CRSIDE2020) on 2-4th March, 2020 at Kolkata, India.

Manasa S, Arundhathi V, Lakshmi K, Varsha V, Dubey B.K. and Baranidharan S (2018) "Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Various Synthesis Routes of Silver Nanoparticles" Paper in the National Environmental Conference IIT Bombay Diamond Jubilee Year Conference (NEC- 2019) 31st Jan - 2nd Feb 2019, IIT Bombay, India.

Panigrahi, S., & Dubey, B. K. (2018). Anaerobic co digestion of foodwaste with yard waste. In ICACSE 2018.

Chakraborty, I. #, Sathe, S.M. #, Dubey, B.K., and Ghangrekar, M.M. (2019). Performance monitoring of a pilot scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor treating domestic wastewater under different organic loading rate. Presented in 16th Specialised conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia 1st to 5th December 2019.

Baranidharan S., Sudipta B, # Vikas S, Chandra A and Dubey B.K. (2018) Life Cycle Assessment of Production of Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles for Supercapacitors Paper in the Indian Conference on Life Cycle Management, 4th -5th October, Mumbai, India.

Samal, B. , Dubey, B. K., and Bhattacharya, J. (2019) Characteristics of char produced from co-pyrolysis of waste low-density polyethylene and eucalyptus wood as an alternative energy source. 8th International Conference on Clean Green Energy, ICCGE 2019. Held on 13-15 February 2019, Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering "Giulio Natta" P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, Milan, Italy.

Samal, B., Dubey, B. K., and Bhattacharya, J. (2020) Influence of process parameters on thermal properties of co-pyrolytic char produced from eucalyptus wood and waste low-density polyethylene”. 3rd International Conference on Waste Management, RECYCLE 2020. Held on February 13-14, 2020, IIT Guwahati, Assam India.

I. Chakraborty, # S. Das, B. K. Dubey & M. M. Ghangrekar (2020). Application of plastic based char as a novel cathode catalyst in microbial fuel cell. Second ASCE India Conference on “Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies”, CRSIDE2020, March 2-4, 2020, Kolkata, India.

Bindra N,# Dubey B, and Dutta A. 2016. Technological and Life Cycle Assessment of Organics Processing Odour Control Technologies. Paper Presented at the Indian Life Cycle Management Conference, Oct 17-18, New Delhi, India.

Rosen M. B, Pokhrel L. R, and Dubey B. 2016. Evaluation of Multiple Heavy Metals and Metalloids in Glass Beads Used in Retroreflective Road Markings. Abstract ID: 2518130, 252nd ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 21-25, 2016.

Rosen M B, Pokhrel L R, and Dubey B. 2016. Quantification and Environmental Risk Assessment from Multiple Heavy Metals and Metalloids in Glass Beads Used in Retroreflective Road Markings. College of Public Health Research Day, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, April 20, 2016.

Fosu, P. O., Donkor, A. K., Kingsford-Adaboh R., Asante, I., Nyarko, S., and Dubey, B. (2016) Exposure Assessment of the Ghanaian Population to Pesticide Residues Through Fruit and Vegetable Consumption “Science For Development: Ghana Asks, Legon Answers”, 2016 College of Basic & Applied Sciences (CBAS) Annual Science and Development Platform; 17-19 February, 2016, RS Amegashie Auditorium, UGBS/Centre for African Wetlands Auditorium, University of Ghana, Legon- Accra, Ghana.

Dubey, B., 2015. Environmental Pollutants from Waste Management Systems, Invited Key Note Presentation at the University Grants Commission (UGC) Sponsored Two Day National Seminar on “Environmental Pollutant: Safety Measure and Management” Dec 5th-6th, 2015 at Magadh Mahila College, Patna University, Patna, India.

Dubey, B., 2015. Sustainable Waste/Resource Management: Issues and Challenges, Invited presentation at the 4th Conference on “Waste – Uninterrupted Resource and Encouraging Opportunities”, Waste to Energy Research and Technology Council (WTERT – India), Mumbai, India, Nov 26th -27th, 2015.

Nyarko, S.#, Donkor, A., and Dubey, B., 2014. Preliminary Assessment of Environmental Impact of CCA-treated Wood in the Ghana, Paper presented at the Global Development Symposium, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, May 4-7, 2014, Page-88

Mohammad, M.#, Donkar, A., Dubey, B., Egyir, I., and Amoah, P., 2014. Biogas Production Potential from Greywater from Households in Accra Metropolis, Ghana, Poster presented at the Global Development Symposium, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, May 4-7, 2014, Page-72

Jahanfar, A.# and Dubey, B., 2014. Development of Risk Assessment Tool for Landfill Failure, Paper presented at the 29th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology, Philadelphia, PA USA March 30- April 2nd 2014

Pokhrel, L.# and Dubey, B., 2014. General Linear Model-Predicted and Observed Toxicity of Three Organo-Coated Silver Nanoparticles: Impacts of Particle Size, Surface Charge and Dose, Abstract ID# 685, Paper to be presented at 2014 ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, June 1-5, Portland, Oregon.

Samoilenko, I.#, Farahbakhsh, K., Dubey, B., 2014. Phytoremediation as a Possible Solution to Remediate Radioactive Contaminated Area in Chornobyl, Ukraine, Paper presented at the Guelph Engineering Symposium, March 27th University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Baah, K.#, Dubey, B., McBean, E., 2014. Risk Assessment of Sewer Pipe Failure: A Case Study of City Guelph, Ontario, Paper presented at the Guelph Engineering Symposium, March 27th University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Qamar, S.#, Dubey, B., and Zytner, R., 2014. Industrial Commercial and Institutional (IC&I) Waste Stream: An Energy Source for Ontario, Paper presented at the Guelph Engineering Symposium, March 27th University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Paul, S.#, Dubey, B., Dutta, A., 2014. Evaluation of a Hybrid Approach for Food Waste Management, Paper presented at the Guelph Engineering Symposium, March 27th University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Bindra, N.#, Dubey, B., 2014. Life Cycle Assessment of Odor Control Technologies for MSW Organics Processing, Paper presented at the Guelph Engineering Symposium, March 27th University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Dubey, B. and Pokhrel, L.#, 2013. Implications of Engineered Nanoparticles and Nanowaste in the Waste Disposal and Treatment System, Paper presented at International Solid Waste Association World Congress, Oct 7th – 9th 2013, Vienna, Austria.

Dubey, B., Pokhrel, L.#, Silva, T.#, 2013. The Toxicity of Metal Nanoparticles and the Role of Water Chemistry and Organic Ligands, In the Proceedings of 59th International Conference of Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy organized by Canadian Society for Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy, Mont-Tremblant, Québec, Canada June 26-28, 2013.

Samoilenko, I.#, Dubey, B., 2013. Nitrate Fate and Transport: Case Study of a River System in Ukraine, Paper presented at the Guelph Engineering Symposium, March 28th University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Jahanfar, A.#, Dubey, B., and McBean, E., 2013. Stability Risk Assessment of Leuwigajah Dumpsite, Paper presented at the Guelph Engineering Symposium, March 28th University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Nourin, N.#, Dubey, B., 2013. A Mass Balance Model to Evaluate Arsenic Contamination in Cropland Soils of Bangladesh, Poster presented at the Guelph Engineering Symposium, March 28th University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Joseph, T.#, Dubey, B., 2013. Arsenic in Soil-Rice Plant Systems: Fate, Transport and Human Risk Assessment, Paper presented at the Guelph Engineering Symposium, March 28th University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Qamar, M.#, Dubey, B., 2013. A Review of Fate and Transport of Engineered Nanoparticles in the Environment, Paper presented at the Guelph Engineering Symposium, March 28th University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Paul, S.#, Dubey, B., 2013. Nitrous Oxide as Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Food Waste Composting, Paper presented at the Guelph Engineering Symposium, March 28th University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Pokhrel, L.#, and Dubey, B., 2012. Metal Mining Industry: Global Production Statistics, Potential Environmental Effects, Mitigation Techniques, and Sustainability, Paper presented at The International Congress on Science and Technonology, Dec 22nd – 24th, 2012, Allahabad, India

Pokhrel, L.#, and Dubey, B., 2012. Potential Developmental Toxicity of Silver and Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles to the Terrestrial Plants, Paper presented at The 28th Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water and Energy, Oct 15th -18th, 2012.

Dubey, B., and Dutta, A., 2012 Waste Treatment Using Advanced Thermal Technologies: Torrefaction of Nonconventional Waste Biomass, International Summit on Waste-to-Energy: An Emerging Trend Towards Environmental Sustainability, NDCC Convention Centre, Jaisingh Marg, New Delhi, 9th& 10thJuly 2012.

Pokhrel, L.#, Dubey, B., and Scheuerman, P., 2012 Developmental Phytotoxicity of Silver and Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles to the Crop Plants, NEHA Conference, June 28-30, San Diego, CA. (Winner of AEHAP Student Competition Research Award 2012).

Dubey, B., and Pokhrel, L.#, 2012. Opportunities for Nanoparticle Research, Invited presentation at University Consortium for Field-Focused Groundwater Contamination Research Program, Annual Progress Meeting: June 12-14, 2012 The Arboretum, University of Guelph.

Craig, E.*, Nandi, A., Dubey, B., and Evanshen, B., 2012. Mineralogic, Statistical and Chemical Analysis Concerning the Implacement of Iron Ore in the Cranberry Granite Formation, Poster presented at 2012 Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN, April 5, 2012.

Pokhrel, L.#, Dubey, B., Tolaymat, T., and Scheuerman, P. 2012. Potential Impacts of Metal Nanoparticles on the Development of Crop Plants, Paper presented at 2012 Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN, April 5, 2012.

Dubey, B. 2012. Assessing Risk to Groundwater from Land Applied Granular Waste, Paper presented at Ontario Research Fund “Sustainable Bedrock Water Supplies for Ontario Communities” Annual Progress Meeting: OAC Centennial Arboretum Centre, University of Guelph, March 26-27, 2012.

Pokhrel, L.#, and Dubey, B., 2012. Silver and Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Cause Developmental Anomalies in the Crop Plants, Paper presented at 2012 East Tennessee Environmental Conference, Kingsport, Tennessee, March 13-14, 2012

Pokhrel, L.#, Dubey, B., and Singhal, N. 2012. Assessing the Environmental Risks from Road Marking Glass Beads. Paper presented at 2012 East Tennessee Environmental Conference, Kingsport, Tennessee, March 13-14, 2012.

Craig, E.*, Nandi, A., Dubey, B., and Whitelaw, M., 2011. Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Magnetite Ore and Granitoid Host Rock in the Cranberry Iron Mine, Western North Carolina, Poster presented at 2011 GSA Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, 9–12 October 2011, Paper No. 243-15

Pokhrel, L. #, Dubey, B., El Badawy, A., and Tolaymat, T., 2011. Evaluation of Aquatic Toxicity of Nanoscale Silver, Zinc Oxide, Titanium Dioxide and Cadmium Selenide Quantum Dots, and their Ionic Particulates to the MetPLATE™ Bioassay, Paper presented at The 27th Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediment, Water and Energy, Oct 17th to 20th, 2011, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. Mr. Pokhrel received best student presentation award for this platform presentation.

Pokhrel, L. #, Silva, T.#, El Badawy, A., Tolaymat, T., and Dubey, B., 2011. Assessment of Aquatic Toxicity of Metal Nanoparticles using MetPLATE™ Bioassay as a Rapid Screening Tool, Poster presented at Gordon Research Conference on Life Cycle Perspectives of Nanostructured Materials: Synthesis, Characterization & Risk Assessment for Public Health, Waterville Valley, NH, May 29th to June 3rd, 2011.

Dubey, B., and Moore, K., 2011. Improving MSW recycling at East Tennessee State University as a part of campus wide green initiative, Paper presented at Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation 40th Annual Solid Waste Conference, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, April 27-29, 2011

Dubey, B., and Silva, T. #, 2011. Methane from Biodegradable Plastics : Is it a Significant Source of Green House Gas Emission, Paper presented at Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation 40th Annual Solid Waste Conference, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, April 27-29, 2011

Pokhrel, L. #, and Dubey, B., 2011. Assessment of Aquatic Toxicity of Metal Nanoparticles using MetPLATE™ Bioassay as a Rapid Screening Tool, Paper presented at Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN, March 24, 2011.

Silva, T. #, and Dubey, B., 2011. An Estimation of Contribution of Biodegradable Plastics to Global Methane Production, Poster presented at Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN, March 24, 2011.

Pokhrel, L. #, and Dubey, B., 2011. Nanoecotoxicology and Human Health: Where Do We Stand?, Poster presented at Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN, March 24, 2011.

Silva, T. #, and Dubey, B., 2011.Potential Contribution of Biodegradable Plastics to Global Methane Production, Paper presented at 2011 East Tennessee Environmental Conference, Kingsport, Tennessee, March 15-16, 2011.

Sinhababu, K., and Dubey, B., 2010. Performance Evaluation of Infiltration and Filtration Storm water Management Practices, Paper presented at the Unban Drainage, Sewerage and Irrigation Conference, Muscat, Oman, September 26-27, 2010.

Dubey, B. Economic Issues of Recycling of Solid Waste Components, Oral presentation made at Tennessee Pollution Prevention Partnership Conference (TP3), Montgomery Bell State Park, Burns, Nashville, TN, September 23-24, 2010.

Pokhrel, L.# and Dubey, B. Investigation of Fate and Transport of Silver Nanoparticle in Waste Disposal Systems Poster presented at 2010 Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN, April 6-8, 2010

Silva, T.# and Dubey, B. Environmental Concerns of Nanoparticles in Wastewater Treatment Plant – A Review Poster presented at 2010 Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN, April 6-8, 2010

Holley, A.*, Boggan, J.*, Bannister, J.*, Reynolds, H.*, Panganiban, J.*, Hammond, L.# and Dubey, B. Biological and Chemical Analysis of Water Samples collected over a Period of One Year from Brush Creek, Johnson City, TN, Part-1; Poster presented at 2010 Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN, April 6-8, 2010

Jarratt, T.*, Justus, K.*, Rogers, B.*, Woody, J.*, Fleetwood, F.*, Hammond, L.# and Dubey, B. Biological and Chemical Analysis of Water Samples collected over a Period of One Year from Brush Creek, Johnson City, TN, Part-2; Poster presented at 2010 Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, TN, April 6-8, 2010

Dubey, B., Environmental Risk Assessment of Emerging Waste Materials : Issues and Challenges, Presented at Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation 39th Annual Solid Waste Conference, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, April 28-30, 2010

Dubey, B and Singhal, N., Evaluation of Test Methods for Assessing the Environmental Risks from Road Marking Glass Beads, Presented at 2010 American Chemical Society Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California, Division of Environmental Chemistry, Session of Sustainable Waste Management: Issues and Challenges, March 21-25, 2010.

Dubey, B., Environmental Risk Assessment forBeneficial Reuse and Disposal Options of Waste Materials: Issues and Challenges, Presented at 2010 East Tennessee Environmental Conference, Kingsport, Tennessee, March 16-17, 2010.

Wang, Y.#, Dubey, B., Townsend, T., and Rhue, D., Laboratory Studies for Assessing Reductive Iron Dissolution in Landfill Soils, Poster Presented at SWANA Florida Sunshine Chapter Senior Managers Conference, St. Augustine, FL, Jan 21-23, 2008

Santra, S., Dubey, B., Patel, C., Kar, S., and Townsend, T., Preliminary Study to Assess Fate and Transport of Different Manufactured Nanoparticles (MNPs) in Different Soil Matrix, Presented at 2007 Florida Section ACS meeting (FAME 2007) at Orlando, Florida, USA.

Misra, A.#, Dubey, B., Wu, C., Townsend, T., and Solo-Gabriele, H., Controlling Heavy Metal Emission and Leaching in Combustion Environments by using Sorbent Technology during Disposal of Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA) Treated Wood , Paper presented at 2005 Florida Section A&WMA Annual Conference at St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA, Oct 23-25, 2005.

Misra, A.#, Dubey, B., Wu, C., Townsend, T., and Solo-Gabriele, H., Use of mineral Sorbents to Control the Emission and Leaching of Arsenic, Chromium and Copper during the Disposal of CCA Treated Wood, Paper presented at International Symposium on the Role of Adsorbed Films and Particulate Systems in Nano and Biotechnologies at Gainesville, Florida, USA, Aug 24-26, 2005.

Misra, A.#, Dubey, B., Wu, C., Townsend, T., and Solo-Gabriele, H., Evaluating the use of sorbent technology in thermal processes for disposal of Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA) treated wood in combustion facilities, Paper presented at Florida 81st Annual Meeting and Exposition (FAME) 2005 organized by American Chemical Society (ACS) Florida Section at Orlando, Florida, USA, May 5-7, 2005.

Dubey, B., Jacobi, G., Townsend, T., and Solo-Gabriele, H., CCA-Treated Wood in Consumer Mulches: Tools to Minimize Contamination, Proceedings 2005, Special Waste Symposium, Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA), West Palm Beach, Florida, Feb 7-10, 2005.

Dubey, B., Townsend, T., Arsenic and Lead Leaching from the Waste Derived Fertilizer Ironite™, Poster Presented at Florida Department of Environmental Protection Solid Waste Workshop 2004-2005, Cocoa Beach, Feb 15-17, 2005. This poster was also presented at 7th Annual Environmental Engineering Sciences Poster Symposium, April 12th 2005.

Dubey, B., Sylvie, M.#, Townsend, T., Comparing Arsenic Leachability in TCLP with Other Leaching Procedures, Poster Presented at Florida Department of Environmental Protection Solid Waste Workshop 2004-2005, Cocoa Beach, Feb 15-17, 2005. This poster was also presented at 7th Annual Environmental Engineering Sciences Poster Symposium, April 12th 2005. Received third prize in graduate category.

Misra, A.#, Dubey, B., Wu, C.Y., Townsend, T., and Solo-Gabriele, H., Use of Sorbent Technology to Prevent Leaching of Heavy Metals (As, Cr, Cu) and Their Application to Disposal of CCA Treated Wood in Combustion Systems, Poster presented at 7th Annual Environmental Engineering Sciences Poster Symposium, April 12th 2005.

Spalvins, E., Dubey, B., Sylvie, M. #, Townsend, T., Simulated Landfill Lysimeters to Asses the Leaching of Metals from Potentially Hazardous Wastes, Poster Presented at Florida Department of Environmental Protection Solid Waste Workshop 2004-2005, Cocoa Beach, Feb 15-17, 2005. This poster was also presented at 7th Annual Environmental Engineering Sciences Poster Symposium, April 12th 2005. Received first prize in graduate category.

Dubey, B., Townsend, T. and Solo-Gabriele, H., Leaching of Preservatives from Pressure-treated wood in sanitary landfills, Received 2nd Prize at UF AWMA 6th Annual Environmental Poster Symposium, April 15, 2004.

Jacobi, G., Solo-Gabriele, H., Townsend, T., Dubey, B. and Lugo, L., Extent of CCA-Treated Wood in Consumer Mulches. International Conference on Environmental Impact of Preservative-Treated Wood; Orlando, February 8 – 11, 2004. This poster was also presented at the NIEHS-MFBS Center/Arch Program Science Symposium held in Miami, FL on March 18, 2004.

Dubey, B., Townsend, T. and Solo-Gabriele, H., Leaching of Copper, Chromium and Arsenic from CCA-treated wood in sanitary landfill leachate, International Conference on Environmental Impact of Preservative-Treated Wood; Orlando, February 8 – 11, 2004.

Dubey, B., Townsend, T. and Garret, K. Leaching of Milled Asphalt Pavement Amended with Waste to Energy Ash, Poster Presented at 2003 Annual Conference of Florida Section Air and Waste Management Sept 7-9, 2003, Orlando USA.