Abhisek Mondal
Year of Completion: 2024
PhD Thesis Title: Understanding reactivity, stability, and mobility of carboxymethyl cellulose grafted iron/copper bimetallic nanoparticles for remediation applications
Vanapalli Kumar Raja
Year of Completion: 2022
PhD Thesis Title: Engineered Production of Single-use Plastic - Eucalyptus Biomass Char Composites and their Application in Mine Waste Dump Remediation and Olericulture
Cheela V Ravi Sankar
<Year of Completion: 2022
PhD Thesis Title: Sustainability Assessment of Waste Treatment Technologies – An Indian Case Study
Biswajit Samal
Year of Completion: 2022
PhD Thesis Title: Application of Char Derived from Co-Pyrolised Eucalyptus Wood and Plastic Waste as Solid Fuel in a Forced-Draft Cooking Stove
Srinivas Sathe
Year of Completion: 2022
PhD Thesis Title: Advanced Secondary and Tertiary Treatments of Municipal Wastewater for the Removal of Surfactants and Wastewater Sludge Valorisation
Amit K Jaglan
Year of Completion: 2022
PhD Thesis Title: Resource Recovery and Sustainability Assessment of Residential University Waste Systems
Hari Bhakta Sharma
Year of Completion: 2021
PhD Thesis Title: Valorisation of Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste by Hydrothermal Carbonization as a Solid Biofuel
Indrajit Chakraborty
Year of Completion: 2021
PhD Thesis Title: Reinventing Tertiary Treatment of Sewage using Biochar with a Focus on Removal of Complex Organic Compounds and Disinfection to Facilitate Safe Reuse
Pubali Mandal
Year of Completion: 2021
PhD Thesis Title: Analysis and Modeling of Organics and Ammonia Removal from Landfill Leachate by Electro-Oxidation
Sagarika Panigrahi
Year of Completion: 2020
PhD Thesis Title: Pretreatment Strategies to Improve Biogas Yield from Lignocellulosic Biomass
Lok R Pokhrel
Year of Completion: 2013
PhD Thesis Title: Evaluation of Colloidal Stability and Ecotoxicity of Metal-based Nanoparticles in the Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems