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Training Workshops/Short Term Courses Conducted:

2023: Design and Delivery of workshop on “Decarbonization of Indian Transportation Systems” at IIT Kharagpur, June 19th to 23rd, 2023

2017: Design and Delivery of One Day Workshop on Integrated Waste Management at Bilaspur University, Bilaspur, MP, India, July 25th, 2017.

2017: Design and Delivery of Five Day Short Term Course on “Sustainable Engineering: Concepts and Applications” offered at College of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University, June 26th to June 30th, Chongqing, China.

2016: Design and Delivery of Three Day Short Term Course on “Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment: From Theory to Practical Applications” offered at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, WB, India, Sep 14th to 16th, 2016.

2016: Design and Delivery of Short Term Course on “Waste Management & Resource Recovery” with a focus on Urban Issues at College of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University, July 1st to July 9th, Chongqing, China.

2016: Design and Delivery of Two Day Training Program on Electronic Waste Management at DVC Towers, Damodar Valley Corporation (a power sector company), Kolkata, Mar 17th and 18th , 2016; Kolkata, India.

2015: Design and Delivery of One week Course on “Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) as a Tool for Sustainable Engineering”, at College of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University, Dec 14th to Dec 18th, Chongqing, China.

2015: Design and Delivery of 4-Day Course on “Electronic Waste (E-Waste) Management – Global Issues”, at College of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University, Dec 21st to Dec 24th, Chongqing, China

2015: Co-Instructor for Training Workshop on “Waste Management” at Northern Coalfields Ltd., Singrauli, MP, India, November 16th, 2015.

2015: Co-Instructor for Capacity Building Programme on Hazardous Waste Management” at NTPC, Singrauli, MP, India, 17th -18th November, 2015.

2015: Co-Instructor and Facilitator for Capacity Building Training Program for Electronic Waste Management, Organized at Hotel Sagar Plaza, Pune, Oct 30th -31st, 2015 by International Institute of Waste Management, Bhopal, India.

2015: Co-Instructor for Short Term Course on “Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Environmental Clearance of Projects” Sept 15-19, 2015, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, West Bengal, India.

2013: Main Instructor at the Capacity Building Training/Workshop on Electronics Waste Management, Organized by International Institute of Waste Management, Bhopal; April 25-26, 2013, India.